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What can I bring to the party? PDF Print E-mail

Whenever we are having a party at Dunn Enterprises, people will often call and ask, “What can I bring to the party?” Sometimes, they are just being polite, but, many times, they really do want to contribute to making this party better! We usually say, “Just bring yourself, “ and really, that is ultimately the only thing you can bring.

When bringing on new talent to your team, “your party,” that’s really what you are looking for in fresh, new talent: people that can bring qualities that make your team better than if they didn’t attend.

The two qualities that many hosts (leaders) can never have enough of are enthusiasm and curiosity.


Hey. If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like Frank Shirley, my boss, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane with all the other rich people and I want him brought right here...with a big ribbon on his head!


So, as we look to bring on new talent into the organization, it is important to know that certain competencies are difficult or impossible to develop. To build passion and enthusiasm in your culture, you must start with people of passion and energy to build the fire. Sure, there are incentives and rewards programs that can be used to build this in the short term, and I support these strategic efforts. But once the incentive program is over, you really want to be surrounded by those people who are motivated from the inside out, people who understand that, while the recognition is nice, it is not what drives their behavior. It is the drive for perfection or making a difference that motivates these people.

Bringing in new people that have a passion for learning and are curious to ask the question “why?” is key to building a culture of embedded ownership. People that strive to improve every situation they confront are always looking for a better way to solve problems and provide solutions. It’s how they are wired!

Think of how you walk into a conference or meeting with your team. Are you enthusiastic to contribute to the program? Are you asking questions to get better clarity and build your ownership? People will be watching you, and your actions will say it all.

So, the next time you’re looking to invite so people over to join the team and they ask, “What can I bring?” Tell them to bring themselves with a side of enthusiasm and curiosity.


Live strong,

Kevin Dunn