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A Question of Character PDF Print E-mail

The crisis of leadership confronting corporate America affects each of us. One need only look at the consequences of the spectacular cascade of corporate collapses over the last few years to understand what I mean.

Tens of thousands of employees have lost jobs and savings. Tens of thousands of stockholders have seen their investments evaporate or greatly diminished. Conflicts of interest have sullied the audit profession. Mistrust is rampant, the losses are genuine. An SEC order requires CEO's and chief financial officers of large companies to swear under oath, with possible criminal penalties for lying, that their financial reports are correct. Even the innocent must prove innocence.

Get A Life PDF Print E-mail

Your Life Mission

What is your life's mission? How do you answer this question in a way that is possible or attainable? How will you know this is the right mission statement? You are the only one who can write it and know if it is right for you.

A life's mission is something that we must live and continue to explore and develop. It is something we "experience", not just a statement or thoughts we write down. It can be the first step to finding a balanced life of family, work and community. When we begin to live a life that works, we are ready for a business that works. With a foundation of a balanced life that is functioning, we can approach our business differently. Our business can now be a vehicle to achieve our life's work.

CHOPS PDF Print E-mail

People at all stages in life, from students to senior managers, have often asked me what it takes to be a successful leader. I've had the good fortune to work with and observe some great and not so great leaders during the past 25 years and it's taught me what works — and what doesn't. Truly great leaders have something in common: they all have CHOPS, five characteristics that I consistently see in people who lead highly successful organizations and teams that reach their potential. These are the qualities I look for when I hire, promote, or expand responsibility. Woman, man, sports, business, military, community, not-for-profit, at work, at home, at play — if you've got CHOPS, you're on the fast track.