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Kevin Dunn's Keynotes

Building Your Brand: Customers PDF Print E-mail
Keynotes - Building Your Brand

Every brand is built upon the strength of buyer-seller relationships; that is, your ability to forge a relationship with your customers, to give them a reason to choose you, not your competitor down the street.

Customer satisfaction affects both repeat business (customer retention) and prices. If customers aren’t happy, it puts pressure on profit margins and often forces companies to reduce prices or step up sales promotion in order to keep customers ... let alone attract new ones.

Building Your Brand: People PDF Print E-mail
Keynotes - Building Your Brand

In addition to customers, there's one more relationship critical to the success of a brand: the relationship you have with your people. You need people who are motivated and engaged, who want to deliver the high level of service that will have your customers coming back for more.

You can't have great results without great people. I absolutely understand the challenges inherent in keeping a restaurant staffed with quality people. My Division at McDonald's included 2,500 restaurants and 130,000 people.

Part 1: Balance, Integrity, and "People First" PDF Print E-mail
Keynotes - Interview with Kevin Dunn

Dr. Nicholas J. Mathys
Professor of Management
DePaul University

Dr. Nicholas Mathys: How would you sum up your leadership philosophy?

Kevin Dunn: Balance is at the center of my philosophy, and balance rests on three prongs: home, work, community. These are the three spheres in which we all operate. Our actions and effectiveness in one sphere affect our results in the others.

I believe in “people first” – getting results by treating people with respect and dignity, and creating a work environment that taps their creativity, allows them contribute and to flourish.

I also believe that leaders set the moral and ethical tone for their organizations; leaders must have character and integrity.  Character implies a recognition of the principles of personal responsibility; an understanding that our actions have consequences, an acceptance of our obligations to those whose very livelihood is dependent on our decisions. Life is all about choices; our decisions have consequences.  Take responsibility; be accountable.

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